20 March 2008

Everett James Forston 3.13.08

Last week my aunt, Stephanie phoned me to confirm that I would available on a Sunday in April for my cousin, Jessie's baby shower. Jessie was due in mid to late April. I confirmed that yes, I was available & that I couldn't wait.

Neither could the baby.

Last Thursday Jessie wasn't feeling well, so she went to the doctor. The doctor took some tests and determined that it was time. By 3pm baby Everett was in the world. A little early (6 weeks) and pretty tiny (4lbs), but doing just fine and the cutest baby ever (next to his cousin, Wyatt of course). Mama Jessie is doing well also. Exciting!!

Babies are everywhere! In addition to Everett's birth last week, college friends Jon & Tiana welcomed their second daughter (name unknown to me) on Tuesday & Millicent was born to our friends, Erick & Andrea on Friday. Three in one week.

I still have 3 more friends due in April and another in May.
And then there are the three friends who just announced their pregnancies and are due in the fall.



  1. I'm sorry I didn't update you!

    Baby Nelson now has a name...

    Maia Joy

    Yay for babies!
